For the bride’s lips, I like to use a colour
that will not clash with the bride’s eyes and dress and
of course her Bouquet…Bearing in mind you have already
primed your lips when you applied your foundation and
powder by putting a suitable balm or moisturiser on
them after you have done your base. By the time you
are ready for lipstick to be applied, your lips will
be in perfect condition…-Always leave this to the very last.
I use a “Nude” lip pencil over the entire lip before applying
the lip colour as it gives extra staying power, apply
lip-colour then blot with a tissue and reapply lipstick with a
touch of gloss or a more shimmering colour to enhance the shadow of
your bottom lip and a slight touch over the top lip.
For your eyes, can not go wrong with matt make up with slight shimmering
shadow . I usually use a combination or colours to compliment the brides out fit.
A soft black eyeliner .(no browns ) use black mascara for your dedding day,
even if you are very fair and usually go for brown.. it will show up better in your
photographs, smudged finshed to the base of your lashes on your upper lid
will make your eyeslashes appear thicker and , in conjunction with a little grey or
dark brown eye shadow applied with a think brush at the base of your lower
lashes,,, will suntyl define your eyes perfect for the photos .